About Me


  • I've been playing a disc golf since May 2022 and absolutely love it. Who knew throwing plastic could be so much fun?
  • I had two senior cats for many years, Thor and Tummen
  • I've loved games since I was a child. Starting with board games and then hooked on video games since the day I got a Nintendo 64.

Unity Development

Three years worth of experience in Unity and C# from working professionally and studying. When working on a big project in a professional environment, I’ve got experience adapting to new systems and designs.

Through a dozen of group projects and solo work when studying and game jamming. I’ve learned how to bring design prototypes to life quickly and gained a solid understanding of the engine. I have also touched on topics such as profiling, addressables, unit tests, realtime database save/load and basic networking with TCP/UDP.


I got professional experience working with a large exisisting code base and adhering to its code standards. In my game programming education I’ve worked a lot with C# and some C++. I’ve learned how to logically solve problems regardless of language. And I’ve gone from writing basic code for small projects, to thinking about code architecture and striving to write clean and maintainable code for large projects. I’ve also gotten experience with test driven development.

Project Management

In all my student group projects I’ve had a leading role in the agile process with Scrum, often being the scrum master. When first introduced to Scrum, I was quick to adopt it and wanted to experience it thoroughly in projects. For one university course me and another student were scrum masters for six teams working on different parts on the same project, where I handled three teams.

Unreal Development
I’ve got half a year experience with Unreal Engine from my programming education. Primarily working with Blueprints. My final school project was a six week project made in Unreal.